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Purpose of study.

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination.


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. At Whitechapel Church of England Primary School, it is our intention to deliver a high-quality music curriculum which inspires pupils at all ages to develop a love of music, which will subsequently enrich their experiences and strengthen the bonds of support and trust, therefore increasing their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement.

Music is for all. It doesn’t discriminate. It is the soundtrack to our lives and connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world.  It lasts the test of time. It evokes memories, emotions and feelings. It brings people together and is accessible for all, regardless of age, gender, ability, race and culture. This means that we see music as a prime opportunity to consider diversity. 


The music curriculum is broad and balanced, and ensures that teaching and learning in all year group builds upon the skills required to meet the end of key stage outcomes.  Teachers are advised to use the long-term curriculum plan, alongside the Charanga scheme of work when planning music lessons. It takes on board the recommendations of the 2021 Music Model Curriculum.

In Early Years and Key Stage 1, the curriculum focusses on developing pupil’s enjoyment, engagement and physicality within music, as well as experimenting with signing and sound and increasing their concentration when listening to music (including live samples, where possible). Progressing further, in Key Stage 2, the curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to apply and develop a wide range of appraisal and composition skills, whilst using more formal methods of recording (staff notation). The primary curriculum concludes with children finding out more about the historical origin of musical instruments and musicians / role models and the influence they have on more contemporary music.

At Whitechapel Church of England Primary School, the music curriculum is implemented through whole class teaching. All classes are taught either by the class teacher, or as a part of the key stage swap round / curriculum afternoons. Year three take part in the First Access lessons, delivered by MUSICA and they do this through the use of hand chimes. Throughout lessons, teachers provide pupils with high-quality recordings and visuals, as well as allowing them opportunities to develop, progress and embed their skills through active and engaging activities. In addition to this, pupils at Whitechapel Church of England Primary School are also able to take part in extra-curricular musical activities, such as: choir and recorders. Through these, pupils are provided with a number of opportunities to widen their repertoire and perform, not just at a school level, but within Kirklees too. Some examples of such performances are: The Mrs Sunderland Music Festival, The Kirklees Primary Music Festival and our Stronger Together Partnership schools’ festival. Collective Worship also enhances children’s opportunities for singing to become part of their Spirituality experience, as well as a whole school, 30 minute sing and praise weekly worship. 


By engaging with the Music Curriculum, children will develop the skills become more responsible citizens, considering the impact of rehearsal, commitment and perseverance in all walks of life and therefore enabling them to become a part of the wider community and being ready for the next stage in their learning. If children enjoy music and are able to talk about it with passion, it will demonstrate the impact of a good music education.

In order to have a more concrete measure of the impact of the music curriculum at Whitechapel Church of England Primary School, teachers will regularly use formative assessment methods in line with the long-term curriculum. Children also have their part to play in showing the knowledge and impact their music curriculum has had one them. Each year, they will be asked to assess themselves against a set of child-friendly criteria to ensure they have met the aims required for their age. Through this, it will be clear that all pupils have had the opportunities to sing, play, listen to, appraise and compose their own music in response to many stimuli.

Click here for curriculum mapping.                                                                               Click here for our Music Development Plan 

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