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School Improvement Planning


Priorities for 2022-2023

SIP Priorities 2022 - 2023

  • Quality of Education

To ensure fidelity in subjects across school so that all children receive the same teaching & learning offer.

To develop reading within school so that there is a positive progress measure by the end of Year 6.

To develop writing skills across year 3 & 4 to increase the number of children achieving expected.

  • Behaviour and Attitudes

To continue to track and monitor all groups and individual attendance with a specific focus on persistent absence.

To review effectiveness of behaviour and reward systems.

  • Personal Development

Develop and strengthen the teaching of British Values, including the celebration of faith and diversity across the school.

Develop a whole school mental health strategy, through the introduction of a Senior Mental Health Lead, to strengthen understanding of signs/symptoms and support mechanisms available.

  • Leadership and Management

To continue to develop effective leadership at all levels.

  • Early Years

To build on the current good practice in EYFS and support the ECT within the unit to ensure school % of GLD is at least in line with national.

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